Getting Started#

These instructions will help you get started with Coexist. This is a pure Python package that does not require any extra system configuration.


This package supports Python 3.6 and above (though it might work with even older versions).


Before the package is published to PyPI, you can install it directly from this GitHub repository:

` pip install git+ `

Alternatively, you can download all the code and run pip install . inside its directory:

` git clone cd Coexist pip install . `

If you would like to modify the source code and see your changes without reinstalling the package, use the -e flag for a development installation:

` pip install -e . `

Optional Dependencies#

The coexist library can offer some extra functionality if optional dependencies are found:

  • SymPy: for the coexist.ballistics subpackages for analytically inferring the equations of motion of a particle travelling without collisions.

  • liggghts: for the coexist.LiggghtsSimulation high-level interface to the LIGGGHTS DEM engine.