Source code for coexist.access

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# License: GNU v3.0
# Author : Andrei Leonard Nicusan <>
# Date   : 30.01.2022

import  re
import  os
import  sys
import  time
import  textwrap
import  contextlib
import  subprocess
import  pickle
import  shutil
import  warnings
from    datetime            import  datetime, timedelta
from    concurrent.futures  import  ProcessPoolExecutor

import  numpy               as      np
import  pandas              as      pd
import  toml
import  cma

import  coexist

from    .base               import  Simulation
from    .                   import  schedulers

from    .combiners          import  Product

from    .code_trees         import  code_contains_variable
from    .code_trees         import  code_substitute_variable

from    .utilities          import  autorepr
from    .utilities          import  SignalHandlerKI

signal_handler = SignalHandlerKI()

[docs]@autorepr(short = {"script"}) class AccessSetup: '''Structure storing constant attributes for an ACCES optimisation run. Code validation and generation are handled too. Attributes ---------- parameters : pd.DataFrame The free parameters extracted from the user script. parameters_scaled : pd.DataFrame The free parameters scaled to the phenotype space, such that the initial variance (`sigma`) is unity. scaling : np.ndarray A vector of values that the free parameters are scaled by; it is the initial variance (`sigma`) given by the user. script : str The modified user script that will be executed. population : int The number of simulations to be run in parallel in each epoch. target : float The target scaled variance - i.e. decrease the uncertainty from the initial 1 down to `target`. seed: int The random seed defining a single ACCES run. rng: np.random.Generator The random number generator used, seeded with `seed`. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, script_path): '''Given a path to a user-defined simulation script, extract the free parameters and generate the ACCES script. ''' # Uninitialised parameters (will be set later) self.population = None = None self.rng = None self.seed = None # Extract parameters and generate ACCES script with open(script_path, "r") as f: user_code = f.readlines() # Find the two parameter definition directives params_start_line = None params_end_line = None regex_prefix = r"#+\s*ACCES{1,2}\s+PARAMETERS" params_start_finder = re.compile(regex_prefix + r"\s+START") params_end_finder = re.compile(regex_prefix + r"\s+END") for i, line in enumerate(user_code): if params_start_finder.match(line): params_start_line = i if params_end_finder.match(line): params_end_line = i if params_start_line is None or params_end_line is None: raise NameError(textwrap.fill(( f"The user script found in file `{script_path}` did not " "contain the blocks `# ACCESS PARAMETERS START` and " "`# ACCESS PARAMETERS END`. Please define your simulation " "free parameters between these two comments / directives." ))) # Execute the code between the two directives to get the initial # `parameters`. `exec` saves all the code's variables in the # `parameters_exec` dictionary user_params_code = "".join( user_code[params_start_line:params_end_line] ) user_params_exec = dict() exec(user_params_code, user_params_exec) if "parameters" not in user_params_exec: raise NameError(textwrap.fill(( "The code between the user script's directives " "`# ACCESS PARAMETERS START` and " "`# ACCESS PARAMETERS END` does not define a variable " "named exactly `parameters`." ))) self.validate_parameters(user_params_exec["parameters"]) self.parameters = user_params_exec["parameters"] if not code_contains_variable(user_code, "error"): raise NameError(textwrap.fill(( f"The user script found in file `{script_path}` does not " "define the required variable `error`." ))) # Substitute the `parameters` creation in the user code with loading # them from an ACCESS-defined location parameters_code = [ "\n# Unpickle `parameters` from this script's first " + "command-line argument and set\n", '# `access_id` to a unique simulation ID\n', code_substitute_variable( user_code[params_start_line:params_end_line], "parameters", ('with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:\n' ' parameters = pickle.load(f)\n') ) ] # Also define a unique ACCESS ID for each simulation parameters_code += ( 'access_id = int(sys.argv[1].split(".")[-2])\n' ) # Read in the `` code template and find the # code injection directives template_code_path = os.path.join( os.path.split(coexist.__file__)[0], "" ) with open(template_code_path, "r") as f: template_code = f.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(template_code): if line.startswith("# ACCESS INJECT USER CODE START"): inject_start_line = i if line.startswith("# ACCESS INJECT USER CODE END"): inject_end_line = i generated_code = "".join(( template_code[:inject_start_line + 1] + user_code[:params_start_line + 1] + parameters_code + user_code[params_end_line:] + template_code[inject_end_line:] )) self.script = generated_code # Scale free parameters (+ bounds and sigma) to unit variance self.scaling = self.parameters["sigma"].to_numpy().copy() self.parameters_scaled = self.parameters.copy() for i in range(len(self.parameters_scaled.columns)): self.parameters_scaled.iloc[:, i] /= self.scaling
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_parameters(parameters): '''Validate the free parameters extracted from a user script (a ``pandas.DataFrame``). ''' if not isinstance(parameters, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError(textwrap.fill(( "The `parameters` variable defined in the user script is " "not a pandas.DataFrame instance (or subclass thereof)." ))) if len(parameters) < 2: raise ValueError(textwrap.fill(( "The `parameters` DataFrame defined in the user script must " "have at least two free parameters defined. Found only" f"`len(parameters) = {len(parameters)}`." ))) columns_needed = ["value", "min", "max", "sigma"] if not all(c in parameters.columns for c in columns_needed): raise ValueError(textwrap.fill(( "The `parameters` DataFrame defined in the user script must " "have at least four columns defined: ['value', 'min', " f"'max', 'sigma']. Found these: `{parameters.columns}`. You " "can use the `coexist.create_parameters` function for this." )))
[docs] def setup_complete(self, population, target, seed): '''Set up the final attributes before starting the ACCES run - i.e. the ones set in the ``Access.learn`` method. ''' # Type-checking inputs and setting attributes self.population = int(population) = float(target) if seed is None: self.seed = np.random.randint(1000, 10_000) else: self.seed = int(seed) self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self.seed)
[docs] def starting_guess(self): '''Return the initial parameter combinations to start CMA-ES with. ''' # First guess, scaled x0 = self.parameters_scaled["value"].to_numpy() bounds = [ self.parameters_scaled["min"].to_numpy(), self.parameters_scaled["max"].to_numpy(), ] return x0, bounds
[docs]@autorepr class AccessPaths: '''Structure handling IO and storing all paths relevant for an ACCES run. Loading and saving epochs and history are handled too. Attributes ---------- directory : str Path to the ACCES directory, e.g. ``access_seed123``. results : str Path to the results directory. outputs : str Path to the outputs directory. script : str Path to the ACCES-modified user script. setup : str Path to the saved ACCES setup. epochs : str Path to the epochs CSV data file. epochs_scaled : str Path to the scaled epochs CSV data file. history : str Path to the historical CSV data file. history_scaled : str Path to the scaled historical CSV data file. '''
[docs] def __init__( self, directory: str = None, results: str = None, outputs: str = None, script: str = None, setup: str = None, epochs: str = None, epochs_scaled: str = None, history: str = None, history_scaled: str = None, ): = directory self.results = results self.outputs = outputs self.script = script self.setup = setup self.epochs = epochs self.epochs_scaled = epochs_scaled self.history = history self.history_scaled = history_scaled
[docs] def create_directories(self, access): '''Given a ``coexist.Access`` instance, create the required directory hierarchy for a single ACCES run. ''' # Include the random seed used in the `access_seed<seed>` dirpath = f"access_seed{access.setup.seed}" self.results = os.path.join(, "results") self.outputs = os.path.join(, "outputs") if access.verbose >= 3: now ="%H:%M:%S on %d/%m/%Y") print( "\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n" + f"Starting ACCES run at {now} in directory " f"`{}`.", flush = True, ) # Include the population size in the history filename to ensure future # runs don't accidentally use wrong numbers of solutions per epoch # # Results history self.history = os.path.join(, f"history_pop{access.setup.population}.csv", ) self.history_scaled = os.path.join(, f"history_pop{access.setup.population}_scaled.csv", ) # Per-epoch data self.epochs = os.path.join(, f"epochs_pop{access.setup.population}.csv", ) self.epochs_scaled = os.path.join(, f"epochs_pop{access.setup.population}_scaled.csv", ) self.script = os.path.join(, "") self.setup = os.path.join(, "access_setup.toml") # Create directories if not os.path.isdir( os.mkdir( elif access.verbose >= 3: pass if not os.path.isdir(self.results): os.mkdir(self.results) if not os.path.isdir(self.outputs): os.mkdir(self.outputs) # Save information about the run now ="%H:%M:%S on %d/%m/%Y") logfile = os.path.join(, "loginfo.txt") with open(logfile, "a", encoding = "utf-8") as f: f.write(( 80 * "-" + "\n" + f"Starting ACCESS run at {now}\n\n" + access.__repr__() + "\n" )) readmefile = os.path.join(, "readme.rst") with open(readmefile, "w", encoding = "utf-8") as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(f''' ACCES Optimisation Run Directory -------------------------------- This directory was generated by ACCES at {now}. You can load the data saved by ACCES into a tidy Python object using ``coexist.AccessData(<dirpath>)``; alternatively, the calibration / optimisation results may be read from the CSV files (see below) in any external program. All data can be accessed as the calibration progresses to check intermediate results. This `{}` directory is self-contained and may be archived / moved outside the initial ACCES folder. You are welcome to read and use the data saved here, but modifying or removing files is not recommended (except for the files inside `outputs` and `results`, see below). File Hierarchy -------------- For a given simulation, ACCES runs are uniquely determined by a seed for the stochastic algorithms and the number of parameter combinations to try in one epoch (i.e. the population size). The resulting hierarchy looks like this: :: access_seed<seed_number> ├── ├── access_setup.toml ├── epochs_pop<population_size>.csv ├── epochs_pop<population_size>_scaled.csv ├── history_pop<population_size>.csv ├── history_pop<population_size>_scaled.csv ├── loginfo.txt ├── readme.rst ├── outputs │   ├── stderr.0.log │ ... │   ├── stdout.0.log │ ... └── results ├── parameters.0.pickle ... ├── result.0.pickle ... The `access_seed<seed_number>` is the current directory where ACCES saves simulation results; naturally, don't execute multiple ACCES runs with the same random seeds in the same directory. The `` Python script is the modified user-code that will be executed for each function evaluation. The `access_setup.toml` file saves the constant ACCES objects for a given run: relevant paths, parameters, population size, target uncertainty and random seed. The TOML format it uses is human-readable and may be loaded into a Python ``dict`` using: .. code-block:: python import toml with open("filepath.toml") as f: obj = toml.load(f) The `epochs_pop<population_size>.csv` file stores relevant data for each epoch: the current parameter optimum estimates and uncertainties; the other `_scaled.csv` file stores the same, but scaled to the internal CMA-ES "phenotype space". Notably, the uncertainties are scaled between 0 (perfect estimate) and 1 (the initial estimate); if the parameter response is very nonlinear / convolved / inexistent, the uncertainty may increase beyond 1. The column names are given in the file; the number of rows is equal to the number of epochs completed. The `history_pop<population_size>.csv` file stores the history of ACCES results: the parameter combinations tried and the evaluated error values for each epoch. The other `_scaled.csv` file stores the same, but scaled to the internal CMA-ES "phenotype space". The column names are given in the file; all epochs are concatenated, so the number of rows will be the population size multiplied by the number of executed epochs. The `loginfo.txt` file logs when ACCES runs are (re)started. This `readme.rst` file is self-explanatory - you're reading it! The `outputs` directory stores the captured `stdout` and `stderr` messages that were emitted during each simulation. The `results` directory stores the parameter values tried for each simulation (e.g. `parameters.0.pickle`) and the corresponding error value found (e.g. `result.0.pickle`). The `outputs` and `results` directories are only needed for logging purposes; you may safely remove the files inside *only for the completed ACCES epochs*. '''))
[docs] def update_paths(self, prefix): '''Translate all paths saved in this class relative to a new `prefix` (which will replace the `directory` attribute). Please ensure that the `prefix` directory contains the required ACCES files. ''' = prefix for attr in ["results", "outputs", "script", "setup", "epochs", "epochs_scaled", "history", "history_scaled"]: prev = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(prev, str): setattr( self, attr, os.path.join(prefix, os.path.split(prev)[1]) )
[docs] def save_history(self, setup, progress): '''Given an ``AccessSetup`` and ``AccessProgress`` instance, save the results history. ''' np.savetxt( self.history, progress.history, header = " ".join(setup.parameters.index.to_list() + ["error"]), ) np.savetxt( self.history_scaled, progress.history_scaled, header = " ".join(setup.parameters.index.to_list() + ["error"]), )
[docs] def load_history(self, access): '''Load previous results into ``access.progress``. ''' # History columns: [param1, param2, ..., error_value] for each function # evaluation if os.path.isfile(self.history): access.progress.history = np.loadtxt( self.history, dtype = float ) else: access.progress.history = None # Scaling and unscaling parameter values introduce numerical errors # that confuse the optimiser. Thus save unscaled values separately if os.path.isfile(self.history_scaled): if access.verbose >= 3: print( "Found previous ACCES results in " + f"`{self.history_scaled}`.\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n", flush = True, ) access.progress.history_scaled = np.loadtxt( self.history_scaled, dtype = float ) else: access.progress.history_scaled = None
[docs] def save_epochs(self, setup, progress): '''Given an ``AccessSetup`` and ``AccessProgress`` instance, save the optimisation epochs. ''' np.savetxt( self.epochs, progress.epochs, header = " ".join( [f"{p}_mean" for p in setup.parameters.index] + [f"{p}_std" for p in setup.parameters.index] + ["overall_std"] ), ) np.savetxt( self.epochs_scaled, progress.epochs_scaled, header = " ".join( [f"{p}_mean" for p in setup.parameters.index] + [f"{p}_std" for p in setup.parameters.index] + ["overall_std"] ), )
[docs] def load_epochs(self, access): '''Given an ``Access`` instance, load previous ACCES runs' `epochs` and `epochs_scaled` into ``access.progress``. ''' # Epochs columns: [param1_mean, param2_mean, ..., param1_std, # param2_std,..., overall_std] for each epochs if os.path.isfile(self.epochs): access.progress.epochs = np.loadtxt( self.epochs, dtype = float ) else: access.progress.epochs = np.empty( (0, 2 * len(access.setup.parameters) + 1) ) if os.path.isfile(self.epochs_scaled): access.progress.epochs_scaled = np.loadtxt( self.epochs_scaled, dtype = float ) else: access.progress.epochs_scaled = np.empty( (0, 2 * len(access.setup.parameters) + 1) )
[docs] def copy(self): '''Create a copy of an `AccessPaths` object. ''' return AccessPaths( directory =, results = self.results, outputs = self.outputs, script = self.script, setup = self.setup, epochs = self.epochs, epochs_scaled = self.epochs_scaled, history = self.history, history_scaled = self.history_scaled, )
[docs]@autorepr(short = True) class AccessProgress: '''Structure saving the current ACCES optimisation progress. The `epochs` array has columns [mean_param1, mean_param2, ..., std_param1, std_param2, ..., std_overall] for each epoch. The `history` array has columns [param1, param2, ..., error] for each function evaluation. Attributes ---------- epochs: np.ndarray Matrix with columns [mean_param1, mean_param2, ..., std_param1, std_param2, ..., std_overall] with one row per epoch. epochs_scaled: np.ndarray Same as ``epochs``, scaled such that the initial variance (``sigma``) becomes unity. history: np.ndarray = None Matrix with columns [param1, param2, ..., error] for each parameter combination tried - i.e. ``population * num_epochs``. history_scaled: np.ndarray = None Same as ``history``, scaled such that the initial variance (``sigma``) becomes unity. stdout: str = None The latest unique recorded stdout message. stderr: str = None The latest unique recorded stderr message. '''
[docs] def __init__( self, epochs: np.ndarray = None, epochs_scaled: np.ndarray = None, history: np.ndarray = None, history_scaled: np.ndarray = None, stdout: str = None, stderr: str = None, ): self.epochs = None self.epochs_scaled = None self.history = None self.history_scaled = None self.stdout = None self.stderr = None
[docs] def update_epochs(self, es, scaling): '''Update each epoch array after an ACCES run has been completed. ''' self.epochs = np.vstack(( self.epochs, np.hstack(( es.result.xfavorite * scaling, es.result.stds * scaling, es.sigma, )), )) self.epochs_scaled = np.vstack(( self.epochs_scaled, np.hstack([es.result.xfavorite, es.result.stds, es.sigma]), ))
[docs] def update_history(self, es, scaling, solutions, results): '''Update the ACCES history with the latest simulation solutions and results. ''' solutions = np.asarray(solutions) current = np.c_[solutions * scaling, results] current_scaled = np.c_[solutions, results] # Check that we have the correct number of columns - if all simulations # in an epoch crashed, we'll have a single error column filled with NaN history = self.history history_scaled = self.history_scaled if self.history is None: # First epoch self.history = current self.history_scaled = current_scaled return if np.isnan(self.history[:, -1]).all(): # History does not have enough columns - pad with NaNs pad = np.full(( self.history.shape[0], current.shape[1] - self.history.shape[1], ), np.nan) history = np.c_[self.history, pad] history_scaled = np.c_[self.history_scaled, pad] if np.isnan(current[:, -1]).all(): # Current does not have enough columns - pad with NaNs pad = np.full(( current.shape[0], self.history.shape[1] - current.shape[1], ), np.nan) current = np.c_[current, pad] current_scaled = np.c_[current_scaled, pad] self.history = np.vstack((history, current)) self.history_scaled = np.vstack((history_scaled, current_scaled))
[docs] def gather_results( self, processes, paths, result_paths, multi_objective, verbose, ): '''Check whether the jobs have finished and retrieve the standard deviation, errors and the combined total error. ''' results = [] # stdout_rec = [] # stderr_rec = [] crashed = [] # Occasionally check if jobs finished wait = 0.1 # Time between checking results waited = 0. # Total time waited logged = 0 # Number of times logged remaining simulations tlog = 30 * 60 # Time until logging remaining simulations again while wait != 0: done = sum((p.poll() is not None for p in processes)) if done == len(processes): wait = 0 for i, proc in enumerate(processes): proc_index = int(proc.args[-1].split(".")[-2]) proc.communicate() # Load result if the file exists, otherwise set it to NaN if os.path.isfile(result_paths[i]): with open(result_paths[i], "rb") as f: errors = pickle.load(f) if hasattr(errors, "__iter__"): errors = np.array(errors, dtype = float) else: errors = np.array([errors], dtype = float) combined = multi_objective.combine(errors) results.append(np.append(errors, combined)) else: results.append(None) crashed.append(proc_index) # Every `remaining` seconds print remaining jobs if verbose >= 4 and wait != 0 and waited > (logged + 1) * tlog: logged += 1 tlog *= 1.5 remaining = " ".join([ p.args[-1].split(".")[-2] for p in processes if p.poll() is None ]) minutes = int(waited / 60) if minutes > 60: timer = f"{minutes // 60} h {minutes % 60} min" else: timer = f"{minutes} min" print(( f" * Remaining jobs after {timer}:\n" + textwrap.indent(textwrap.fill(remaining), " * ") ), flush = True) # Wait for increasing numbers of seconds until checking for results # again - at most 1 minute time.sleep(wait) waited += wait wait = min(wait * 1.5, 60) return results, crashed
[docs]@autorepr class Access: '''Optimise an arbitrary user-defined script's parameters in parallel. A minimal user script - saved in a separate file - would be: :: # In file "" # ACCESS PARAMETERS START import coexist parameters = coexist.create_parameters( variables = ["fp1", "fp2"], minimums = [-3, -7], maximums = [+5, +3], ) access_id = 0 # Optional # ACCESS PARAMETERS END x =["fp1", "value"] y =["fp2", "value"] error = x ** 2 + y ** 2 This script defines two free parameters to optimise "fp1" and "fp2" with ranges [-3, +5] and [-7, +3] and saves an error value to be optimised in the variable `error`. To optimise it, run in another file: :: # In file "" import coexist access = coexist.Access("") access.learn(num_solutions = 10, target_sigma = 0.1, random_seed = 42) Once you run `access.learn()`, a folder named "access_42" is generated which stores all information about this access run, including all simulation data. You can load this data using ```` even while the optimisation is still running. In general, an ACCESS user script must define one simulation whose parameters will be optimised this way: 1. Use a variable named "parameters" to define this simulation's free / optimisable parameters. Create it using `coexist.create_parameters`. An initial guess can also be set here. 2. The `parameters` creation should be **fully self-contained** between two ``# ACCESS PARAMETERS START`` and ``# ACCESS PARAMETERS END`` comments - i.e. it should not depend on code ran before the block. 3. By the end of the simulation script, define a variable named ``error`` storing a single number representing this simulation's error value. Notice that there is no limitation on how the error value is calculated. It can be any simulation, executed in any way - even externally; just launch a separate process from the Python script, run the simulation, extract data back into the Python script and set ``error`` to what you need optimised. If you need to save data to disk, use file names containing the ``access_id`` variable which is set to a unique integer ID for each simulation, so that you don't overwrite existing files when simulations are executed in parallel. For more information on the implementation details and how parallel execution of your user script is achieved, check out the generated file "access_seed<seed>/" after running `access.learn()`. Attributes ---------- setup : coexist.access.AccessSetup Structure storing given ACCES configuration, containing the free ``parameters``, number of solutions to try in parallel ``population``, target uncertainty ``target``, seeded random number generator ``rng`` and the ``seed``. paths : coexist.access.AccessPaths Structure storing paths to the ACCES ``directory``, saved ``state``, ``simulations`` tried, captured ``outputs`` directory, and paths to the previous results ``history`` and ``history_scaled``. progress : coexist.access.AccessProgress Structure storing ACCES optimisation run progress - ``epochs``, ``history`` (and CMA-scaled versions of them) and latest ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` messages. scheduler : coexist.schedulers.Scheduler subclass The scheduler used to launch each simulation in parallel. multi_objective : object, optional An object defining the method `combine`, combining multiple errors into a single value. verbose : int, optional Integer denoting the level of verbosity, where 0 is quiet and 5 is maximally verbose. '''
[docs] def __init__( self, script_path: str, scheduler = schedulers.LocalScheduler(), ): '''`Access` class constructor. Parameters ---------- script_path : str A path to a user-defined script that runs one simulation. It should use the free / optimisable parameters saved in a pandas.DataFrame named exactly ``parameters``, defined between two comments ``# ACCESS PARAMETERS START`` and ``# ACCESS PARAMETERS END``. By the end of the script, one variable named `error` must be defined containing the error value, a number. scheduler : coexist.schedulers.Scheduler subclass Scheduler used to spawn function evaluations / simulations in parallel. The default ``LocalScheduler`` simply starts new Python interpreters on the local machine for executing the user's script. See the other schedulers in `coexist.schedulers` for e.g. spawning jobs on a supercomputing cluster. ''' # Creating class attributes self.setup = AccessSetup(script_path) self.paths = AccessPaths() self.progress = AccessProgress() # Type-check scheduler if not isinstance(scheduler, schedulers.Scheduler): raise TypeError(textwrap.fill(( "The input `scheduler` must be a subclass of `coexist." f"schedulers.Scheduler`. Received {type(scheduler)}." ))) self.scheduler = scheduler # Will be set in `learn` self.multi_objective = None self.verbose = None
[docs] def learn( self, num_solutions = 8, target_sigma = 0.1, random_seed = None, multi_objective = Product(), verbose = 4, ): '''Learn the free `parameters` from the user script that minimise the `error` variable by trying `num_solutions` parameter combinations at a time until the overall uncertainty becomes lower than `target_sigma`. For `multi_objective` optimisation, use a `coexist.combiner` to combine multiple error values into a single one. ''' # Type-checking inputs if not hasattr(multi_objective, "combine"): raise TypeError(textwrap.fill(( "The input `mulit_objective` has no attribute `combine`. " "Check you are using a `coexist.combiner` to combine " "multiple error values into a single combined error." ))) # Set last setup attributes and create ACCES directories self.verbose = int(verbose) self.setup.setup_complete(num_solutions, target_sigma, random_seed) self.paths.create_directories(self) self.multi_objective = multi_objective # Save this ACCES run's files self.save_setup() # Load previous history and epochs into self.progress self.paths.load_history(self) self.paths.load_epochs(self) # Scale sigma, bounds, solutions, results to unit variance scaling = self.setup.scaling x0, bounds = self.setup.starting_guess() sigma0 = 1. # Instantiate CMA-ES optimiser; silence initial CMA-ES message with open(os.devnull, "w") as f, contextlib.redirect_stdout(f), \ warnings.catch_warnings(): # CMA-ES sometimes warns about changing the initial standard # deviation; ACCES users don't control that, so we can hide it warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(x0, sigma0, dict( bounds = bounds, popsize = self.setup.population, randn = lambda *args: self.setup.rng.standard_normal(args), verbose = 3 if self.verbose >= 3 else -9, )) es.logger = cma.CMADataLogger( os.path.join(, "cache", "") ) # Start optimisation: ask the optimiser for parameter combinations # (solutions), run the simulations between `start_index:end_index` and # feed the results back to CMA-ES. epoch = 0 while not es.stop(): solutions = es.ask() # If we have historical data, inject it for each epoch if self.has_historical(epoch): self.inject_historical(es, epoch) epoch += 1 if self.finished(es): break continue if self.verbose >= 2: self.print_before_eval(es, epoch, scaling) # Save current epoch's mean, sigma self.progress.update_epochs(es, scaling) # Evaluate each solution - i.e. run simulations in parallel results = self.evaluate_solutions(solutions * scaling, epoch) # We already warn about crashed simulations, so hide CMA-ES ones with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) es.tell(solutions, results[:, -1]) epoch += 1 # Save historical data as function evaluations are very expensive self.progress.update_history(es, scaling, solutions, results) self.paths.save_epochs(self.setup, self.progress) self.paths.save_history(self.setup, self.progress) if self.verbose >= 2: self.print_after_eval(es, epoch, solutions, scaling, results) if self.finished(es): break if es.result.xbest is None: raise ValueError(textwrap.fill(( "No parameter combination was evaluated successfully. All " "simulations crashed - please check the error logs in the " f"`{self.paths.outputs}` folder." ))) if self.verbose >= 1: self.print_finished(es, scaling) return
[docs] def save_setup(self): '''Save current ACCES run's modified script (py) and state (toml). ''' with open(self.paths.script, "w") as f: f.write(self.setup.script) setup_dict = dict( paths = self.paths.__dict__, setup = dict( parameters = self.setup.parameters.to_dict(), parameters_scaled = self.setup.parameters_scaled.to_dict(), scaling = self.setup.scaling.tolist(), population = self.setup.population, target =, seed = self.setup.seed, ), ) with open(self.paths.setup, "w") as f: toml.dump(setup_dict, f)
[docs] def has_historical(self, epoch): '''Check ACCES still has historical solutions to inject. ''' if ( self.progress.history_scaled is not None and epoch * self.setup.population < len(self.progress.history_scaled) ): return True return False
[docs] def inject_historical(self, es, epoch): '''Inject the CMA-ES optimiser with pre-computed (historical) results. The solutions must have a Gaussian distribution in each problem dimension - though the standard deviation can vary for each of them. Ideally, this should only use historical values that CMA-ES asked for in a previous ACCESS run. ''' pop = self.setup.population num_params = len(self.setup.parameters) results_scaled = self.progress.history_scaled[ (epoch * pop):(epoch * pop + pop) ] es.tell(results_scaled[:, :num_params], results_scaled[:, -1]) if self.verbose >= 1: ns = len(self.progress.history_scaled) maxlen = len(str(ns)) print(( f"Injected {(epoch + 1) * len(results_scaled):>{maxlen}} / " f"{ns} historical solutions" ))
[docs] def print_before_eval(self, es, epoch, scaling): '''Print current estimates before evaluating current epoch. ''' info = pd.DataFrame( np.vstack(( es.result.xfavorite * scaling, es.result.stds * scaling, es.result.stds, )), index = ["estimate", "uncertainty", "scaled_std"], columns = self.setup.parameters.index, ) # Display all the DataFrame columns and rows old_max_columns = pd.get_option("display.max_columns") old_max_rows = pd.get_option("display.max_rows") pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None) pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None) head = "=" * 80 line = "-" * 80 # Current time, formatted now_str ="%H:%M:%S") # Save and print time elapsed since last epoch now = time.time() elapsed = now - getattr(self, "_elapsed", now) setattr(self, "_elapsed", now) if elapsed == 0: since_str = "" else: hours, remainder = divmod(int(elapsed), 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) elapsed_str = f"{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}" if hours > 0: elapsed_str = f"{hours:02}:" + elapsed_str since_str = f" | Since Last {elapsed_str}" print(( f"{head}\n" f"Epoch {epoch:>4} | Population {self.setup.population:>4} | " f"Time {now_str}{since_str}\n" f"{line}\n" f"Scaled overall standard deviation: {es.sigma}\n" f"{info}\n" ), flush = True) pd.set_option("display.max_columns", old_max_columns) pd.set_option("display.max_rows", old_max_rows)
[docs] def print_status_eval(self, crashed): '''Print logged stdout and stderr messages and crashed simulations after evaluating an epoch. ''' if len(crashed): line = "-" * 80 crashed_str = textwrap.fill(" ".join( str(c) for c in crashed )) print( line + "\n" + "No results were found for these jobs:\n" + textwrap.indent(crashed_str, " ") + "\n" + "They crashed or terminated early; for details, check the " f"output logs in:\n {self.paths.outputs}\n" "The error values for these simulations were set to NaN.\n" + line + "\n", flush = True, )
[docs] def print_after_eval( self, es, epoch, solutions, scaling, results, ): '''Display parameter combinations evaluated in the current epoch and the corresponding errors found. ''' # Display evaluation results: solutions, error values, etc. sols_results = np.c_[solutions * scaling, results] cols = self.setup.parameters.index.to_list() + [ f"error{i}" for i in range(results.shape[1] - 1) ] + ["error"] # Store solutions and results in a DataFrame for easy pretty printing pop = len(results) sols_results = pd.DataFrame( data = sols_results, columns = cols, index = range(epoch * pop - pop, epoch * pop), ) # Display all the DataFrame columns and rows old_max_columns = pd.get_option("display.max_columns") old_max_rows = pd.get_option("display.max_rows") pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None) pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None) print(( f"{sols_results}\n" f"Total function evaluations: {es.result.evaluations}\n" ), flush = True) pd.set_option("display.max_columns", old_max_columns) pd.set_option("display.max_rows", old_max_rows)
[docs] def print_finished(self, es, scaling): '''Display final message after successful convergence on optimum parameters. ''' solutions = list(es.result.xbest * scaling) + [es.result.fbest] stds = list(es.result.stds * scaling) + [" "] proc = os.path.join( self.paths.results, f"parameters.{es.result.evals_best - 1}.pickle", ) info = pd.DataFrame( [solutions, stds], index = ["value", "sigma"], columns = self.setup.parameters.index.to_list() + ["error"], ) line = "=" * 80 print(( f"\n{line}\n" f"The best result was found in {es.result.iterations} epochs:\n" f"{textwrap.indent(str(info), ' ')}\n\n" "These results were found for the job:\n" f" {proc}\n" f"{line}" ), flush = True)
[docs] def finished(self, es): '''Check if the optimisation run is done and display the best solution found for the target sigma value. ''' # If overall sigma went below target if es.sigma < if self.verbose >= 1: print(( "\nOptimal solution found within `target_sigma`, i.e. " f"{ * 100}%:\n" f" sigma = {es.sigma} < {}" ), flush = True) return True # If all individual sigmas went below target if np.all(es.result.stds < if self.verbose >= 1: print(( "\nAll parameters found within `target_sigma`, i.e. " f"{ * 100}%:\n" f" scaled_std = {es.result.stds} < {}" ), flush = True) return True return False
[docs] def evaluate_solutions(self, solutions, epoch): '''Evaluate the parameter combinations given in `solutions` for the current `epoch` in parallel. ''' # Aliases param_names = self.setup.parameters.index pop = self.setup.population start_index = epoch * pop # For every solution to try, start a separate OS process that runs the # `access_seed<seed>/` script, which computes and saves # an error value processes = [] # These are this epoch's paths to save the simulation outputs to; they # will be given to `self.paths.script` as command-line arguments parameters_paths = [ os.path.join( self.paths.results, f"parameters.{start_index + i}.pickle", ) for i in range(pop) ] result_paths = [ os.path.join( self.paths.results, f"result.{start_index + i}.pickle", ) for i in range(pop) ] output_files = [ open( os.path.join( self.paths.outputs, f"output.{start_index + i}.log" ), "w", ) for i in range(pop) ] # Catch the KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl-C) signal to shut down the spawned # processes before aborting. try: signal_handler.set() # Spawn a separate process for every solution to try / sim to run for i, sol in enumerate(solutions): # Create new set of parameters and save them to disk parameters = self.setup.parameters.copy() for j, sol_val in enumerate(sol):[param_names[j], "value"] = sol_val with open(parameters_paths[i], "wb") as f: pickle.dump(parameters, f) # Get job scheduling command scheduler_cmd = self.scheduler.schedule(, start_index + i, ) processes.append( subprocess.Popen( scheduler_cmd + [ self.paths.script, parameters_paths[i], result_paths[i], ], stdout = output_files[i], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, ) ) # Gather results and crashed simulations results, crashed = self.progress.gather_results( processes, self.paths, result_paths, self.multi_objective, self.verbose, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: for proc in processes: proc.kill() raise finally: signal_handler.unset() for of in output_files: of.close() if self.verbose >= 1: self.print_status_eval(crashed) # Find number of error values returned for one successful simulation num_errors = 1 for i, res in enumerate(results): if res is not None: if num_errors == 1: num_errors = len(res) continue if len(res) != num_errors: raise ValueError(textwrap.fill(( f"The simulation at index {start_index + i} returned " f"{len(res) - 1} error values, while previous " f"simulations had {num_errors - 1} error values." ))) # Substitute results that are None (i.e. crashed) with rows of NaNs for i in range(len(results)): if results[i] is None: results[i] = np.full(num_errors, np.nan) return np.array(results)
class AccessFileNotFoundLegacy: pass
[docs]class AccessData: '''Access (pun intended) data generated by a ``coexist.Access`` run; read it in using ``"access_seed<seed>")``. Attributes ---------- paths : AccessPaths Struct-like object storing relevant paths in the given ACCES directory. parameters : pd.DataFrame The optimum free parameters found (final or intermediate if ACCES is still running). parameters_scaled : pd.DataFrame The optimum free parameters found, divided by ``scaling`` such that the initial variance in the parameter values was unity. scaling : np.ndarray A vector with the values to scale each parameter by - they are the initial variances (``sigma``). population : int The number of simulations to run in parallel within a single epoch, or number of parameter combinations to try at once. num_epochs : int The number of epochs that were successfully executed. target : float The target variance, where the initial parameter uncertainty must be decreased from 1 to ``target``. seed : int The random number generator seed uniquely defining this ACCES run. epochs : np.ndarray Matrix with columns [mean_param1, mean_param2, ..., std_param1, std_param2, ..., std_overall] with one row per epoch. epochs_scaled : np.ndarray Same as ``epochs``, scaled such that the initial variance (``sigma``) becomes unity. results : np.ndarray Matrix with columns [param1, param2, ..., error] for each parameter combination tried - i.e. ``population * num_epochs``. results_scaled : np.ndarray Same as ``results``, scaled such that the initial variance (``sigma``) becomes unity. Examples -------- Suppose you run ``coexist.Access.learn(random_seed = 123)`` - then a directory "access_seed123/" would be generated. Access (yes, still intended) all data generated in a Python-friendly format using: >>> import coexist >>> data = coexist.AccessData("access_123") >>> data AccessData -------------------------------------------------------------------------- paths ╎ AccessPaths(...) parameters ╎ value min max sigma ╎ fp1 -0.005312 -5.0 10.0 0.024483 ╎ fp2 0.003409 -5.0 10.0 0.034576 ╎ fp3 0.296074 -5.0 10.0 2.078181 num_epochs ╎ 31 target ╎ 0.1 seed ╎ 123 epochs ╎ DataFrame(fp1_mean, fp2_mean, fp3_mean, fp1_std, fp2_std, ╎ fp3_std, overall_std) epochs_scaled ╎ DataFrame(fp1_mean, fp2_mean, fp3_mean, fp1_std, fp2_std, ╎ fp3_std, overall_std) results ╎ DataFrame(fp1, fp2, fp3, error) results_scaled ╎ DataFrame(fp1, fp2, fp3, error) '''
[docs] def __init__(self, access_path = "."): '''Read in data generated by ``coexist.Access``; the `access_path` can be either the "`access_info_<hash>`" directory itself, or its parent directory. ''' access_path = find_access_path(access_path) # Check for data in the legacy coexist-0.1.0 format legacy_finder = re.compile(r"opt_history_[0-9]+.csv") if any(legacy_finder.match(f) for f in os.listdir(access_path)): self.legacy(access_path) return setup_path = os.path.join(access_path, "access_setup.toml") with open(setup_path) as f: setup_dict = toml.load(f) # Update paths prefix in case files are read from a different location # than they were created at paths = AccessPaths(**setup_dict["paths"]) paths.update_paths(access_path) parameters = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( setup_dict["setup"]["parameters"] ) parameters_scaled = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( setup_dict["setup"]["parameters_scaled"] ) scaling = np.array(setup_dict["setup"]["scaling"]) population = setup_dict["setup"]["population"] target = setup_dict["setup"]["target"] seed = setup_dict["setup"]["seed"] history = np.loadtxt(paths.history) columns = parameters.index.to_list() + [ f"error{i}" for i in range(history.shape[1] - len(parameters) - 1) ] + ["error"] results = pd.DataFrame(history, columns = columns, dtype = float) history_scaled = np.loadtxt(paths.history_scaled) columns_scaled = parameters.index.to_list() + [ f"error{i}" for i in range(history_scaled.shape[1] - len(parameters) - 1) ] + ["error"] results_scaled = pd.DataFrame( history_scaled, columns = columns_scaled, dtype = float, ) epochs = pd.DataFrame( np.loadtxt(paths.epochs), columns = ( [f"{p}_mean" for p in parameters.index] + [f"{p}_std" for p in parameters.index] + ["overall_std"] ), dtype = float, ) epochs_scaled = pd.DataFrame( np.loadtxt(paths.epochs_scaled), columns = ( [f"{p}_mean" for p in parameters.index] + [f"{p}_std" for p in parameters.index] + ["overall_std"] ), dtype = float, ) num_epochs = len(epochs) # Set parameters' values to the best results ns = len(parameters) parameters["value"] = results.iloc[results["error"].idxmin()][:-1] parameters["sigma"] = epochs.iloc[-1, ns:ns + ns].to_numpy() parameters_scaled["value"] = results_scaled.iloc[ results_scaled["error"].idxmin() ][:-1] parameters_scaled["sigma"] = epochs_scaled.iloc[ -1, ns:ns + ns ].to_numpy() # Set class attributes self.paths = paths self.parameters = parameters self.parameters_scaled = parameters_scaled self.scaling = scaling self.population = population self.num_epochs = num_epochs = target self.seed = seed self.epochs = epochs self.epochs_scaled = epochs_scaled self.results = results self.results_scaled = results_scaled
[docs] @staticmethod def empty(): '''Create an empty `AccessData` object that you can set attributes to directly. Examples -------- Create an empty `AccessData` object: >>> import coexist >>> data = coexist.AccessData.empty() ''' return AccessData.__new__(AccessData)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(access_path = "."): '''Read in data generated by ``coexist.Access``; the `access_path` can be either the "`access_seed<hash>`" directory itself, or its parent directory. Here for backwards-compatibility; you can instantiate the class directly with the ``access_path``, e.g. ``AccessData(".")``. ''' return AccessData(access_path)
[docs] def legacy(self, access_path): '''Read in data from legacy coexist-0.1.0 ACCES format; this is normally called automatically by ````. ''' # Check all legacy files exist legacy_files = ["", "access_info.pickle"] if any(not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(access_path, f)) for f in legacy_files): raise FileNotFoundError(textwrap.fill(( f"The legacy AccessData files `{legacy_files}` were not found " f"in `{access_path}`." ))) # Find legacy history file history_finder = re.compile(r"opt_history_[0-9]+\.csv") for f in os.listdir(access_path): if history_path = os.path.join(access_path, f) history_scaled_path = ( history_path.split(".csv")[0] + "_scaled.csv" ) num_solutions = int( re.split(r"opt_history_|\.csv", history_path)[1] ) break else: raise FileNotFoundError(textwrap.fill(( f"No legacy history file was found in `{access_path}`." ))) with open(os.path.join(access_path, "access_info.pickle"), "rb") as f: access_info = pickle.load(f) history = np.loadtxt(history_path) history_scaled = np.loadtxt(history_scaled_path) # Translate legacy data into modern format notfound = AccessFileNotFoundLegacy() paths = AccessPaths( directory = access_path, results = os.path.join(access_path, "simulations"), outputs = os.path.join(access_path, "outputs"), script = os.path.join(access_path, ""), setup = notfound, epochs = notfound, epochs_scaled = notfound, history = history_path, history_scaled = history_scaled_path, ) parameters = access_info.parameters population = num_solutions num_epochs = len(history) // population target = access_info.target_sigma seed = access_info.random_seed # Infer scaled parameters pop = population nparams = len(parameters) scaling = np.mean( history[:, :nparams] / history_scaled[:, :nparams], axis = 0, ) parameters_scaled = parameters.copy() for i in range(len(parameters_scaled.columns)): parameters_scaled.iloc[:, i] /= scaling # Infer epochs data means = np.array([ history[i * pop:i * pop + pop, :nparams].mean(axis = 0) for i in range(num_epochs) ]) stds = history[::pop, nparams:2 * nparams] overall_stds = history[::pop, -2] epochs = pd.DataFrame( np.c_[means, stds, overall_stds], columns = ( [f"{p}_mean" for p in parameters.index] + [f"{p}_std" for p in parameters.index] + ["overall_std"] ), dtype = float, ) means = np.array([ history_scaled[i * pop:i * pop + pop, :nparams].mean(axis = 0) for i in range(num_epochs) ]) stds = history_scaled[::pop, nparams:2 * nparams] overall_stds = history_scaled[::pop, -2] epochs_scaled = pd.DataFrame( np.c_[means, stds, overall_stds], columns = ( [f"{p}_mean" for p in parameters.index] + [f"{p}_std" for p in parameters.index] + ["overall_std"] ), dtype = float, ) # Translate history data results = pd.DataFrame( history[:, list(range(nparams)) + [-1]], columns = parameters.index.to_list() + ["error"], dtype = float, ) results_scaled = pd.DataFrame( history_scaled[:, list(range(nparams)) + [-1]], columns = parameters.index.to_list() + ["error"], dtype = float, ) # Set parameters' values to the best results ns = len(parameters) parameters["value"] = results.iloc[results["error"].idxmin()][:-1] parameters["sigma"] = epochs.iloc[-1, ns:ns + ns].to_numpy() parameters_scaled["value"] = results_scaled.iloc[ results_scaled["error"].idxmin() ][:-1] parameters_scaled["sigma"] = epochs_scaled.iloc[ -1, ns:ns + ns ].to_numpy() # Set class attributes self.paths = paths self.parameters = parameters self.parameters_scaled = parameters_scaled self.scaling = scaling self.population = population self.num_epochs = num_epochs = target self.seed = seed self.epochs = epochs self.epochs_scaled = epochs_scaled self.results = results self.results_scaled = results_scaled
[docs] def copy(self): '''Return copy of `AccessData` object. ''' data = AccessData.empty() data.paths = self.paths.copy() data.parameters = self.parameters.copy() data.parameters_scaled = self.parameters_scaled.copy() data.scaling = self.scaling.copy() data.population = self.population data.num_epochs = self.num_epochs = data.seed = self.seed data.epochs = self.epochs.copy() data.epochs_scaled = self.epochs_scaled.copy() data.results = self.results.copy() data.results_scaled = self.results_scaled.copy() return data
[docs] def save(self, dirname): '''Save `AccessData` to a new directory at `dirname`. ''' # Copy previous folder to new location shutil.copytree(, dirname) self.paths.update_paths(dirname) # Save history to_pad = len(self.results.columns) - len(self.parameters) - 1 columns = self.parameters.index.to_list() + [ f"error{i}" for i in range(to_pad) ] + ["error"] np.savetxt( self.paths.history, self.results.to_numpy(), header = " ".join(columns), ) np.savetxt( self.paths.history_scaled, self.results_scaled.to_numpy(), header = " ".join(columns), ) # Save epochs np.savetxt( self.paths.epochs, self.epochs.to_numpy(), header = " ".join( [f"{p}_mean" for p in self.parameters.index] + [f"{p}_std" for p in self.parameters.index] + ["overall_std"] ), ) np.savetxt( self.paths.epochs_scaled, self.epochs_scaled.to_numpy(), header = " ".join( [f"{p}_mean" for p in self.parameters.index] + [f"{p}_std" for p in self.parameters.index] + ["overall_std"] ), ) # Save setup setup_dict = dict( paths = self.paths.__dict__, setup = dict( parameters = self.parameters.to_dict(), parameters_scaled = self.parameters_scaled.to_dict(), scaling = self.scaling.tolist(), population = self.population, target =, seed = self.seed, ), ) with open(self.paths.setup, "w") as f: toml.dump(setup_dict, f)
def __getitem__(self, index): # Select AccessData epochs if isinstance(index, int): # Allow negative indices while index < 0: index += self.num_epochs if index >= self.num_epochs: raise IndexError(textwrap.fill(( f"The index=`{index}` is out of bounds for AccessData " f"with {self.num_epochs} epochs." ))) data = self.copy() data.num_epochs = 1 data.epochs = self.epochs.iloc[index:index + 1] data.epochs_scaled = self.epochs_scaled.iloc[index:index + 1] data.results = self.results.iloc[ index * self.population:(index + 1) * self.population ] data.results_scaled = self.results_scaled.iloc[ index * self.population:(index + 1) * self.population ] return data elif isinstance(index, slice): if index.step is not None and index.step != 1: raise ValueError(textwrap.fill(( "Indexing with a `slice.step` is not yet available. " "If this would be useful for you please get in touch." ))) start = index.start if index.start is not None else 0 stop = index.stop if index.stop is not None else self.num_epochs # Allow negative indices while start < 0: stop += self.num_epochs while stop < 0: stop += self.num_epochs if stop > self.num_epochs or start >= self.num_epochs or \ start >= stop: raise IndexError(textwrap.fill(( f"The slice=`{start}:{stop}` is out of bounds for " f"AccessData with {self.num_epochs} epochs." ))) data = self.copy() data.num_epochs = stop - start data.epochs = self.epochs.iloc[start:stop] data.epochs_scaled = self.epochs_scaled.iloc[start:stop] data.results = self.results.iloc[ start * self.population:stop * self.population ] data.results_scaled = self.results_scaled.iloc[ start * self.population:stop * self.population ] return data else: raise TypeError(textwrap.fill(( "Epoch selection via subscripting is only possible with " "integer / slice indices (e.g. `access_data[5]` or " "`access_data[2:5]`). Received index with type " f"`{type(index)}`." ))) def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ underline = "-" * 80 def wrap(text, prep = 30): return textwrap.fill( text, width = 80, initial_indent = prep * " ", subsequent_indent = prep * " ", )[prep:] '''Combine the column data for the relevant parameters. ''' cols = wrap(", ".join(self.epochs.columns)) epochs = f"DataFrame({cols})" cols = wrap(", ".join(self.epochs_scaled.columns)) epochs_scaled = f"DataFrame({cols})" cols = wrap(", ".join(self.results.columns)) results = f"DataFrame({cols})" cols = wrap(", ".join(self.results_scaled.columns)) results_scaled = f"DataFrame({cols})" parameters = str(self.parameters).split("\n") parameters = "\n".join( parameters[0:1] + [20 * " " + p for p in parameters[1:]] ) parameters_scaled = str(self.parameters_scaled).split("\n") parameters_scaled = "\n".join( parameters_scaled[0:1] + [20 * " " + p for p in parameters_scaled[1:]] ) docstr = ( f"{name}\n" f"{underline}\n" f"paths {self.paths.__class__.__name__}(...)\n" f"parameters {parameters}\n" f"parameters_scaled {parameters_scaled}\n" f"scaling {self.scaling}\n" f"population {self.population}\n" f"num_epochs {self.num_epochs}\n" f"target {}\n" f"seed {self.seed}\n" f"epochs {epochs}\n" f"epochs_scaled {epochs_scaled}\n" f"results {results}\n" f"results_scaled {results_scaled}\n" ) # Add vertical line docstr = docstr.split("\n") for i in range(2, len(docstr) - 1): d = docstr[i] docstr[i] = d[:18] + "╎" + d[19:] return "\n".join(docstr)
def find_access_path(path): '''Locate the `access_seed<seed>` directory. ''' finder = re.compile(r"access_seed[0-9]+") # The directory itself if finder.match(path): return path # The parent matched = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if finder.match(f)] if len(matched) == 1: return os.path.join(path, matched[0]) elif len(matched) > 1: raise RuntimeError(( f"Multiple ACCES directories were found at `{path}`:\n" f"{matched}\n\n" "Use the full path to the ACCES directory you want." )) # If no `access_seed<seed>` was found, return the path as is in case it was # renamed but ACCES files are inside still return path class AccessCoupled: def __init__( self, simulations: Simulation, scheduler = [sys.executable], max_workers = None, ): '''`Access` class constructor. Parameters ---------- simulations: Simulation or list[Simulation] The particle simulation object, implementing the `coexist.Simulation` interface (e.g. `LiggghtsSimulation`). Alternatively, this can be a *list of simulations*, in which case multiple simulations will be run **for the same parameter combination tried**. This allows the implementation of error functions using multiple simulation regimes. scheduler: list[str], default [sys.executable] The executable that will run individual simulations as separate Python scripts. In the simplest case, it would be just `["python3"]`. Alternatively, this can be used to schedule simulations on a cluster / supercomputer, e.g. `["srun", "-n", "1", "python3"]` for SLURM. Each list element is a piece of a shell command that will be run. max_workers: int, optional The maximum number of threads used by the main Python script to run the error function on each simulation result. If `None`, the output from `len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))` is used. ''' # Type-checking inputs def error_simulations(simulations): # Print error message if the input `simulations` does not have the # required type raise TypeError(textwrap.fill(( "The `simulation` input parameter must be an instance of " "`coexist.Simulation` (or a subclass thereof) or a list " f"of simulations. Received type `{type(simulations)}`." ))) if isinstance(simulations, Simulation): self.simulations = [simulations] elif hasattr(simulations, "__iter__"): if not len(simulations) >= 1: error_simulations(simulations) params = simulations[0].parameters for sim in simulations: if not isinstance(sim, Simulation): error_simulations(simulations) if not params.equals(sim.parameters): raise ValueError(( "The simulation parameters (`Simulation.parameters` " "attribute) must be the same across all simulations " "in the input list. The two unequal parameters are:\n" f"{params}\n\n" f"{sim.parameters}\n" )) self.simulations = simulations else: error_simulations(simulations) # Setting class attributes self.scheduler = list(scheduler) if max_workers is None: self.max_workers = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) else: self.max_workers = int(max_workers) # These are the constant class attributes relevant for a single # ACCESS run. They will be set in the `learn` method self.rng = None self.error = None self.start_times = None self.end_times = None self.num_checkpoints = None self.num_solutions = None self.target_sigma = None self.use_historical = None self.save_positions = None self.save_path = None self.simulations_path = None self.outputs_path = None self.classes_path = None self.sim_classes_paths = None self.sim_paths = None self.history_path = None self.history_scaled_path = None self.random_seed = None self.verbose = None # Message printed to the stdout and stderr by spawned OS processes self._stdout = None self._stderr = None def learn( self, error, start_times, end_times, num_checkpoints = 100, num_solutions = 10, target_sigma = 0.1, use_historical = True, save_positions = True, random_seed = None, verbose = True, ): # Type-checking inputs if not callable(error): raise TypeError(textwrap.fill(( "The input `error` must be a function (i.e. callable). " f"Received `{error}` with type `{type(error)}`." ))) self.error = error if hasattr(start_times, "__iter__"): self.start_times = [float(st) for st in start_times] else: self.start_times = [float(start_times) for _ in self.simulations] if hasattr(end_times, "__iter__"): self.end_times = [float(et) for et in end_times] else: self.end_times = [float(end_times) for _ in self.simulations] if len(self.start_times) != len(self.simulations) or \ len(self.end_times) != len(self.simulations): raise ValueError(textwrap.fill(( "The input `start_times` and `end_times` must have the same " "number of elements as the number of simulations. Received " f"{len(self.start_times)} start times / {len(self.end_times)} " f"end times for {len(self.simulations)} simulations." ))) if hasattr(num_checkpoints, "__iter__"): self.num_checkpoints = [int(nc) for nc in num_checkpoints] else: self.num_checkpoints = [ int(num_checkpoints) for _ in self.simulations ] if len(self.num_checkpoints) != len(self.simulations): raise ValueError(textwrap.fill(( "The input `num_checkpoints` must be either a single value or " "a list with the same number of elements as the number of " f"simulations. Received {len(self.num_checkpoints)} " f"checkpoints for {len(self.simulations)} simulations." ))) self.num_solutions = int(num_solutions) self.target_sigma = float(target_sigma) self.use_historical = bool(use_historical) self.save_positions = bool(save_positions) self.random_seed = random_seed self.verbose = bool(verbose) # Setting constant class attributes self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self.random_seed) # Aliases sims = self.simulations rng = self.rng # The random hash that represents this optimisation run. If a random # seed was specified, this will make the simulation and optimisations # fully deterministic (i.e. repeatable) rand_hash = str(round(abs(rng.random() * 1e6))) self.save_path = f"access_info_{rand_hash}" self.simulations_path = f"{self.save_path}/simulations" self.classes_path = f"{self.save_path}/classes" self.outputs_path = f"{self.save_path}/outputs" self.sim_classes_paths = [ f"{self.classes_path}/simulation_{i}_class.pickle" for i in range(len(self.simulations)) ] self.sim_paths = [ f"{self.classes_path}/simulation_{i}" for i in range(len(self.simulations)) ] # Check if we have historical data about the optimisation - these are # pre-computed values for this exact simulation, random seed, and # number of solutions self.history_path = ( f"{self.save_path}/opt_history_{self.num_solutions}.csv" ) self.history_scaled_path = ( f"{self.save_path}/opt_history_{self.num_solutions}_scaled.csv" ) # Create all required paths above if they don't exist already self.create_directories() # History columns: [param1, param2, ..., stddev_param1, stddev_param2, # ..., stddev_all, error_value] if use_historical and os.path.isfile(self.history_path): history = np.loadtxt(self.history_path, dtype = float) elif use_historical: history = [] else: history = None # Scaling and unscaling parameter values introduce numerical errors # that confuse the optimiser. Thus save unscaled values separately if self.use_historical and os.path.isfile(self.history_scaled_path): history_scaled = np.loadtxt( self.history_scaled_path, dtype = float ) elif self.use_historical: history_scaled = [] else: history_scaled = None # Minimum and maximum possible values for the DEM parameters params_mins = sims[0].parameters["min"].to_numpy() params_maxs = sims[0].parameters["max"].to_numpy() # If any `sigma` value is smaller than 5% (max - min), clip it for sim in sims: sim.parameters["sigma"].clip( lower = 0.05 * (params_maxs - params_mins), inplace = True, ) # Scale sigma, bounds, solutions, results to unit variance scaling = sims[0].parameters["sigma"].to_numpy() # First guess, scaled x0 = sims[0].parameters["value"].to_numpy() / scaling sigma0 = 1.0 bounds = [ params_mins / scaling, params_maxs / scaling ] # Instantiate CMA-ES optimiser es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(x0, sigma0, dict( bounds = bounds, popsize = self.num_solutions, randn = lambda *args: rng.standard_normal(args), verbose = 3 if self.verbose else -9, )) # Start optimisation: ask the optimiser for parameter combinations # (solutions), run the simulations between `start_index:end_index` and # feed the results back to CMA-ES. epoch = 0 while not es.stop(): solutions = es.ask() # If we have historical data, inject it for each epoch if self.use_historical and \ epoch * self.num_solutions < len(history_scaled): self.inject_historical(es, history_scaled, epoch) epoch += 1 if self.finished(es): break continue if self.verbose: self.print_before_eval(es, solutions) results = self.try_solutions(solutions * scaling, epoch) es.tell(solutions, results) epoch += 1 # Save every step's historical data as function evaluations are # very expensive. Save columns [param1, param2, ..., stdev_param1, # stdev_param2, ..., stdev_all, error_val]. if self.use_historical: if not isinstance(history, list): history = list(history) for sol, res in zip(solutions, results): history.append( list(sol * scaling) + list(es.result.stds * scaling) + [es.sigma, res] ) np.savetxt(self.history_path, history) # Save scaled values separately to avoid numerical errors if not isinstance(history_scaled, list): history_scaled = list(history_scaled) for sol, res in zip(solutions, results): history_scaled.append( list(sol) + list(es.result.stds) + [es.sigma, res] ) np.savetxt(self.history_scaled_path, history_scaled) if self.verbose: self.print_after_eval(es, solutions, scaling, results) if self.finished(es): break solutions = es.result.xbest * scaling stds = es.result.stds * scaling if self.verbose: print(f"Best results for solutions: {solutions}", flush = True) # Run the simulation with the best parameters found and save the # results to disk. Return the paths to the saved values radii_paths, positions_paths, velocities_paths = \ self.run_simulation_best(solutions, stds) return radii_paths, positions_paths, velocities_paths def run_simulation_best(self, solutions, stds): '''Save the radii, positions, and velocities for the simulations with the best parameter values. ''' # Path for saving the simulations with the best parameters best_path = f"{self.save_path}/best" if not os.path.isdir(best_path): os.mkdir(best_path) # Paths for saving the best simulations' outputs best_radii_paths = [ f"{best_path}/best_radii_{i}.npy" for i in range(len(self.simulations)) ] best_positions_paths = [ f"{best_path}/best_positions_{i}.npy" for i in range(len(self.simulations)) ] best_velocities_paths = [ f"{best_path}/best_velocities_{i}.npy" for i in range(len(self.simulations)) ] # Change sigma, min and max based on optimisation results param_names = self.simulations[0].parameters.index for sim in self.simulations: sim.parameters["sigma"] = stds # Change parameters to the best solution for i, sol_val in enumerate(solutions): for sim in self.simulations: sim[param_names[i]] = sol_val # Run each simulation with the best parameters found. This cannot be # done in parallel as the simulation library might be thread-unsafe for i, sim in enumerate(self.simulations): if self.verbose: print(( f"Running the simulation at index {i} with the best " "parameter values found..." )) checkpoints = np.linspace( self.start_times[i], self.end_times[i], self.num_checkpoints[i], ) positions = [] velocities = [] for t in checkpoints: sim.step_to_time(t) positions.append(sim.positions()) velocities.append(sim.velocities()) radii = sim.radii() positions = np.array(positions, dtype = float) velocities = np.array(velocities, dtype = float)[i], radii)[i], positions)[i], velocities) error = self.error( best_radii_paths, best_positions_paths, best_velocities_paths, ) if self.verbose: print((f"Error (computed by the `error` function) for solution: " f"{error}\n---"), flush = True) return best_radii_paths, best_positions_paths, best_velocities_paths def create_directories(self): # Save the current simulation state in a `restarts` folder if not os.path.isdir(self.save_path): os.mkdir(self.save_path) # Save positions and parameters in a new folder inside `restarts` if not os.path.isdir(self.simulations_path): os.mkdir(self.simulations_path) # Save classes objects in a new folder inside `restarts` if not os.path.isdir(self.classes_path): os.mkdir(self.classes_path) # Save simulation outputs (stderr and stdout) in a new folder if not os.path.isdir(self.outputs_path): os.mkdir(self.outputs_path) # Serialize the simulations' concrete class so that it can be # reconstructed even if it is a `coexist.Simulation` subclass for i in range(len(self.simulations)): with open(self.sim_classes_paths[i], "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.simulations[i].__class__, f) # Save current checkpoint and extra data for parallel computation self.simulations[i].save(self.sim_paths[i]) infofile = f"{self.save_path}/opt_run_info.txt" with open(infofile, "a", encoding = "utf-8") as f: now ="%H:%M:%S - %D") f.writelines([ "--------------------------------------------------------\n", f"Starting ACCESS run at {now}\n\n", "Simulations:\n" f"{self.simulations}\n\n", f"start_times = {self.start_times}\n", f"end_times = {self.end_times}\n", f"num_checkpoints = {self.num_checkpoints}\n", f"target_sigma = {self.target_sigma}\n", f"num_solutions = {self.num_solutions}\n", f"random_seed = {self.random_seed}\n", f"use_historical = {self.use_historical}\n", f"save_positions = {self.save_positions}\n\n", f"save_path = {self.save_path}\n", f"simulations_path = {self.simulations_path}\n", f"classes_path = {self.classes_path}\n", f"outputs_path = {self.outputs_path}\n", f"sim_classes_paths = {self.sim_classes_paths}\n", f"sim_paths = {self.sim_paths}\n\n", f"history_path = {self.history_path}\n", f"history_scaled_path = {self.history_scaled_path}\n", "--------------------------------------------------------\n\n", ]) def inject_historical(self, es, history_scaled, epoch): '''Inject the CMA-ES optimiser with pre-computed (historical) results. The solutions must have a Gaussian distribution in each problem dimension - though the standard deviation can vary for each of them. Ideally, this should only use historical values that CMA-ES asked for in a previous ACCESS run. ''' ns = self.num_solutions num_params = len(self.simulations[0].parameters) results_scaled = history_scaled[(epoch * ns):(epoch * ns + ns)] es.tell(results_scaled[:, :num_params], results_scaled[:, -1]) if self.verbose: print(( f"Injected {(epoch + 1) * len(results_scaled)} / " f"{len(history_scaled)} historical solutions." )) def print_before_eval(self, es, solutions): '''Print the individual and overal scaled standard deviations along with the parameter combinations to try. ''' print(( f"Scaled overall standard deviation: {es.sigma}\n" f"Scaled individual standard deviations:\n{es.result.stds}" f"\n\nTrying {len(solutions)} parameter combinations..." ), flush = True) def print_after_eval( self, es, solutions, scaling, results, ): # Display evaluation results: solutions, error values, etc. cols = list(self.simulations[0].parameters.index) + ["error"] sols_results = np.hstack(( solutions * scaling, results[:, np.newaxis], )) # Store solutions and results in a DataFrame for easy pretty printing sols_results = pd.DataFrame( data = sols_results, columns = cols, index = None, ) # Display all the DataFrame columns and rows old_max_columns = pd.get_option("display.max_columns") old_max_rows = pd.get_option("display.max_rows") pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None) pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None) print(( f"{sols_results}\n" f"Function evaluations: {es.result.evaluations}\n---" ), flush = True) pd.set_option("display.max_columns", old_max_columns) pd.set_option("display.max_rows", old_max_rows) def finished(self, es): '''If the overal sigma value is less than the target sigma value, finish the simulation. ''' if es.sigma < self.target_sigma: if self.verbose: print(( "Optimal solution found within `target_sigma`, i.e. " f"{self.target_sigma * 100}%:\n" f"sigma = {es.sigma} < {self.target_sigma}" ), flush = True) return True return False def std_outputs(self, run_index, sim_index, stdout, stderr): '''If new errors and outputs are produced, write them to the correct olders. ''' # If we had new errors, write them to `error.log`. if len(stderr) and stderr != self._stderr: self._stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") error_path = ( f"{self.outputs_path}/" f"error_{run_index}_{sim_index}.log" ) print(( "A new error ocurred while running simulation (run " f"{run_index} / index {sim_index}):\n" f"{self._stderr}\n\n" f"Writing error message to `{error_path}`\n" )) with open(error_path, "w") as f: f.write(self._stderr) # If we had new outputs, write them to `output.log` if len(stdout) and stdout != self._stdout: self._stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") output_path = ( f"{self.outputs_path}/" f"output_{run_index}_{sim_index}.log" ) print(( "A new message was outputted while running simulation (run " f"{run_index} / index {sim_index}):\n" f"{self._stdout}\n\n" f"Writing output message to `{output_path}`\n" )) with open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write(self._stdout) def simulations_save_paths(self, epoch): '''For every simulation run in every parameter combination, append the simulation, radii, position and velocity path to a corresponding list. ''' sim_paths = [] radii_paths = [] positions_paths = [] velocities_paths = [] start_index = epoch * self.num_solutions # For every parameter combination... for i in range(self.num_solutions): sim_run = [] radii_run = [] positions_run = [] velocities_run = [] # For every simulation run... for j in range(len(self.simulations)): sim_run.append(( f"{self.simulations_path}/" f"opt_{start_index + i}_{j}" )) radii_run.append(( f"{self.simulations_path}/" f"opt_{start_index + i}_{j}_radii.npy" )) positions_run.append(( f"{self.simulations_path}/" f"opt_{start_index + i}_{j}_positions.npy" )) velocities_run.append(( f"{self.simulations_path}/" f"opt_{start_index + i}_{j}_velocities.npy" )) sim_paths.append(sim_run) radii_paths.append(radii_run) positions_paths.append(positions_run) velocities_paths.append(velocities_run) return sim_paths, radii_paths, positions_paths, velocities_paths def try_solutions(self, solutions, epoch): '''For every solution to try and simulate a run, start a separate OS process that runs the `` file and saves the positions in a `.npy` file. ''' # Aliases param_names = self.simulations[0].parameters.index # Path to `` async_xi = os.path.join( os.path.split(coexist.__file__)[0], "" ) processes = [] # These are all lists of lists: axis 0 is the parameter combination to # try, while axis 1 is the particular simulation to run sim_paths, radii_paths, positions_paths, velocities_paths = \ self.simulations_save_paths(epoch) # Catch the KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl-C) signal to shut down the spawned # processes before aborting. try: # Run all simulations in `self.simulations` for each parameter # combination in `solutions` for i, sol in enumerate(solutions): single_run_processes = [] # For every simulation in `self.simulations`, start a new proc for j, sim in enumerate(self.simulations): # Change parameter values to save them along with the # full simulation state for k, sol_val in enumerate(sol):[param_names[k], "value"] = sol_val[i][j]) single_run_processes.append( subprocess.Popen( self.scheduler + [ # Python interpreter path async_xi, # path self.sim_classes_paths[j], sim_paths[i][j], str(self.start_times[j]), str(self.end_times[j]), str(self.num_checkpoints[j]), radii_paths[i][j], positions_paths[i][j], velocities_paths[i][j], ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, ) ) processes.append(single_run_processes) # Compute the error function values in a parallel environment. with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers = self.max_workers) \ as executor: futures = [] # Get the output from each OS process / simulation for i, run_procs in enumerate(processes): # Check simulations didn't crash crashed = False for j, proc in enumerate(run_procs): stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() proc_index = epoch * self.num_solutions + i self.std_outputs(proc_index, j, stdout, stderr) # Only load simulations if they exist - i.e. no errors # occurred if not (os.path.isfile(radii_paths[i][j]) and os.path.isfile(positions_paths[i][j]) and os.path.isfile(velocities_paths[i][j])): print(( "At least one of the simulation files " f"{radii_paths[i][j]}, " f"{positions_paths[i][j]} or " f"{velocities_paths[i][j]}, was not found; " f"the simulation (run {i} / index {j}) most " "likely crashed. Check the error, output and " "LIGGGHTS logs for what went wrong. The error " "value for this simulation run is set to NaN." )) crashed = True # If no simulations crashed in this run, execute the error # function in parallel if not crashed: futures.append( executor.submit( self.error, radii_paths[i], positions_paths[i], velocities_paths[i], ) ) else: futures.append(None) # Crashed solutions will have np.nan as a value. results = np.full(len(solutions), np.nan) for i, f in enumerate(futures): if f is not None: results[i] = f.result() except KeyboardInterrupt: for proc_run in processes: for proc in proc_run: proc.kill() sys.exit(130) # If `save_positions` is not True, remove all simulation files if not self.save_positions: for radii_run in radii_paths: [os.remove(rp) for rp in radii_run] for positions_run in positions_paths: [os.remove(pp) for pp in positions_run] for velocities_run in velocities_paths: [os.remove(vp) for vp in velocities_run] return results