Source code for coexist.utilities

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# License: GNU v3.0
# Author : Andrei Leonard Nicusan <>
# Date   : 04.08.2021

import  sys
import  signal
from    textwrap    import  indent

class UniversalSet:
    def __contains__(self, x):
        return True

universal_set = UniversalSet()

[docs]def autorepr(_c = None, *, short = {}, hide = {}): '''Automatically create a ``__repr__`` method for pretty-printing class attributes; they are discovered at runtime following some rules. 1. Attribute names do not start with underscores and are not callable. 2. The attributes given in ``short`` (set[str] | bool) are printed up to 80 characters. If ``short == True``, then all attributes are shortened. 3. The attributes given in ``hide`` (set[str]) are skipped. 4. If the attribute representation is multiline (i.e. has newlines) then it is printed on a separate line and indented with 2 spaces. Examples -------- >>> @autorepr >>> class SomeClass: >>> def __init__(self): >>> self.x = "spam" >>> self.y = "eggs" >>> >>> print(SomeClass()) SomeClass --------- x = spam y = eggs >>> @autorepr(hide = {"x"}) >>> class SomeClass: >>> def __init__(self): >>> self.x = "spam" >>> self.y = "eggs" >>> >>> print(SomeClass()) SomeClass --------- y = eggs ''' def __repr__(self): # Skip those attributes from the representation if hasattr(self, "_repr_hide"): _repr_hide = self._repr_hide else: _repr_hide = set() # Shorten those attributes' representation if hasattr(self, "_repr_short"): _repr_short = self._repr_short else: _repr_short = set() # Return pretty string representation of an arbitrary object docs = [] for att in dir(self): if not att.startswith("_") and att not in _repr_hide: memb = getattr(self, att) if not callable(memb): # If memb_str is multiline, indent it memb_str = str(memb) if att not in _repr_short and "\n" in memb_str: memb_str = "\n" + indent(memb_str, " ") docs.append(f"{att} = {memb_str}") if att in _repr_short and len(docs[-1]) > 80: docs[-1] = docs[-1].replace("\n", "\\n")[:67] + "..." name = self.__class__.__name__ underline = "-" * len(name) return f"{name}\n{underline}\n" + "\n".join(docs) def setrepr(c): # Attach the attribute names to shorten / hide as class attributes if isinstance(short, bool) and short is True: c._repr_short = universal_set elif len(short): c._repr_short = set(short) if len(hide): c._repr_hide = set(hide) c.__repr__ = __repr__ return c if _c is None: return setrepr return setrepr(_c)
def interrupt_handler(signum, stackframe): li = "\n" + "*" * 80 + "\n" print( f"{li}Caught signal {signum} - will kill subprocesses and abort!{li}", flush = True, file = sys.stderr, ) raise KeyboardInterrupt
[docs]class SignalHandlerKI: '''Handle typical OS termination signals by raising a ``KeyboardInterrupt`` exception. If a signal is not found on a given platform (e.g. SIGBREAK only exists on Windows) it is simply skipped. '''
[docs] def __init__( self, signals = [ "SIGINT", "SIGTERM", "SIGBREAK", "SIGABRT", ], ): self.signals = signals self.previous_handlers = {}
[docs] def set(self): '''Set the signals' handlers. Save the previous handlers. ''' # The signal number may not exist (AttributeError) or be wrong # (ValueError) on some platforms, so catch possible exceptions and # simply ignore these signals for sig in self.signals: try: s = getattr(signal, sig) # AttributeError self.previous_handlers[sig] = signal.getsignal(s) signal.signal(s, interrupt_handler) # Key|ValueError except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError): pass
[docs] def unset(self): '''Unset the signals' handlers. Return to previous handlers. ''' # The signal number may not exist (AttributeError) or be wrong # (ValueError) on some platforms, so catch possible exceptions and # simply ignore these signals for sig in self.signals: try: s = getattr(signal, sig) # AttributeError signal.signal(s, self.previous_handlers[sig]) # Key|ValueError except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError): pass