

Make a user-defined function a multi-objective error combiner.


To simply multiply all error values together:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from coexist.combiners import combiner
>>> @combiner
>>> def multiply(errors: np.ndarray) -> float:
>>>     return

The input argument “errors” will always be a 1D NumPy array, even when the simulation error is a simple, single number.

If you know you will have only two error values, you can sum them up like this:

>>> from coexist.combiners import combiner
>>> @combiner
>>> def sum_errors(errors):
>>>     return errors[0] + errors[1]

Then you can simply supply your function to ACCES:

>>> import coexist
>>> coexist.Access("<simulation_script>").learn(
>>>     multi_objective = sum_errors,
>>>     random_seed = 42,
>>> )