
class coexist.schedulers.Scheduler[source]#

Bases: ABC

An abstract class defining the interface that concrete schedulers need to implement.

A scheduler, in general, is a program that defines a way to split parallel workloads in some computing environment. More specifically, it allows calling a Python script with some command-line arguments in parallel; in the simplest case:

$> python3 arg1 arg2 arg3

Here, python3 is the “scheduler”, simply creating a new OS process in which a Python interpreter executes This is implemented in the LocalScheduler class.

In a more complex, multi-cluster environment managed by SLURM:

$> sbatch arg1 arg2 arg3

Here, the sbatch is the scheduling part, and the SLURM script must be generated beforehand. This is implemented in the SlurmScheduler class.


If you want to implement a concrete scheduler for another system, subclass Scheduler and implement the schedule(dirpath, index) method (dirpath is the directory where the computation is run, e.g. “access_seed123” and index is the job number), which will be called when launching each simulation to:

  • Generate any files needed to schedule a Python script’s execution.

  • Return a list of the system commands to be prepended to the Python scripts (e.g. [“python3”] and [“sbatch”, “”] in the examples above).

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#


__init__(*args, **kwargs)

schedule(dirpath, index)

abstract schedule(dirpath, index)[source]#